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Trifolio-M (TRF), Lahnau, Germany

Trifolio-M GmbH is committed in biological pest control since 1985. Currently 25 employees are working for the company with its location in the center of Germany, Lahnau. In this regard the research and development of innovative biopesticides and plant protection strategies is one of our main focuses. 10 employees are in charge of these future oriented activities. Trifolio-M has developed and registered important biopesticides. One of our flagships is the biological insecticide NeemAzal®-T/S. Supplementary the neem extract is also included in human health products and animal hygiene products. Trifolio-M also produces extracts of Quassia. Synthesis of pheromones and production of appropriate traps is another product line of the company. Trifolio-M GmbH is currently expanding its product portfolio towards biological fungicides. Here within the EU-project ProLarix is one of the priority ongoing projects. The overall project objective is the development of a biological fungicide based on larix by-products. Trifolio-M has collaborated successfully with all ProLarix partners in past projects including ForestSpeCs, REBECA, and FP7 CO-FREE. As an outcome of the FB7 ForestSpecs the potential use of by-products of the forest industry as alternative sources for the development of biopesticides was evaluated. Constituents of Larix by-products (‘Larixyne’) were demonstrated to have a high potential to be developed into a fungicide. As a main goal of the follow-up project ProLarix, industry and research partner focus on the development, registration and implementation of a novel fungicide for European organic grapevine production systems. Moreover the EU-funded project contributes to the competitiveness of Trifolio-M as a small enterprise and ensures its future growth potential to access new markets in Europe.

Role in the project

TRF is the key SME partner in ProLarix as TRF will ultimately produce and commercialize Larix extract. TRF is therefore in a central position implementing improved extraction processes, formulation, and adopting an upscaled production of Larix extract. TRF is also involved in field efficacy trials and the development of information package for registration and the roadmap for commercialization. TRF also supports the consortium in general decisions concerning the patenting of extracts/substances.

Staff members involved

  • Dr. Hubertus Kleeberg
  • Dr. Jonas Treutwein
  • Ms. Ina Kleeberg
  • Dr. Sophie Jacobs
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